Monthly Archives: March 2020
Special Series: Connecting, learning and sharing in the time of COVID-19
In this special series, I will be sharing thoughts, feelings and learning as WE navigate this emerging and evolving COVID-19 (aka novel coronavirus) landscape. My intention is to use this as a mechanism to connect and support all of you…and myself too! Sending love and hugs, each and every...
Societal and Mental Wellbeing: Remaining Nimble and Flexible in a Changing Environment
I was wondering when I would be compelled to sit down and write about the importance of societal wellbeing, i.e., the ability to actively participate in a thriving community, culture and environment. Well, there is no time like the present. The past three weeks have been playing out like...
Natoshia’s Journey Towards Mental Wellbeing & Connecting with Grace
In this interview, Natoshia talks about her challenge with mental wellbeing – how she wants to “show up” each day – and how her commitment to herself impacts how she models leadership for students. Natoshia works at an institution of higher education in leadership development. If you prefer to...